To predict the stock price of Charter Communications (CHTR) for the next trading week, we analyze both technical indicators and recent news sentiment.
CHTR's stock price is currently trading at $375.52 as of the latest close. Key technical indicators include:
The stock is approaching its Fibonacci resistance level of 385.72, with a pivot point at 370.28. Recent price action shows a high of 391.61 and a low of 371.03, suggesting the stock is consolidating before a potential breakout.
Based on the technical indicators and positive news sentiment, CHTR is expected to rise to $385 in the next trading week. The stock's strong fundamentals, bullish technical indicators, and analyst confidence make it a BUY.
The price of CHTR is predicted to go up -8.63%, based on the high correlation periods with LBRDA. The similarity of these two price pattern on the periods is 97.95%.
Like its cable peers, Charter's networks provide a platform to easily meet customers' growing bandwidth demands, which should drive market share gains and strong recurring cash flow.
As the second-largest US cable company, Charter has the scale to efficiently adapt to changes hitting the telecom industry. The firm will be a force in the wireless industry eventually.
Holding prices down to drive market share gains will pay huge dividends down the road, pushing costs lower and cementing Charter's competitive position.
RBC Capital
Price Target
$390 → $380
Price Target
Exane BNP Paribas
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