Recent insider trading activity shows that senior executives at AVA have sold a significant portion of their shares. Bryan Alden Cox sold 3,322 shares, representing 27.4% of his holdings, while Wayne O Manuel sold 520 shares, representing 4.4% of his holdings. This insider selling activity may indicate a lack of confidence in the company's short-term prospects. Additionally, institutional investors have shown mixed sentiment, with 157 increasing their positions and 167 decreasing theirs in the latest quarter.
The Relative Strength Index (RSI) for AVA is currently at 58.45, indicating a neutral position without clear overbought or oversold signals. The MACD is slightly bullish at 0.55, suggesting mild upward momentum. Fibonacci levels indicate a resistance level at 40.08 and a support level at 38.97. The stock is currently trading near the lower end of this range, which could act as a floor.
Based on the current technical indicators and the mixed sentiment from insiders and institutions, the stock is expected to trade in a narrow range. The next trading week could see AVA stock price hovering around $39.50, with a potential dip towards the support level of $38.97 if selling pressure increases.
Given the current market conditions and insider activity, it is recommended to sell or hold off on buying until there is clearer upward momentum.
The price of AVA is predicted to go up -2.65%, based on the high correlation periods with EXPO. The similarity of these two price pattern on the periods is 98.15%.
Price Target